VOLUME 29,2022

International Food Research Journal Volume 29 Issue 1, 2022


Original articles

  1. Hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic effects of unripe apple extract in a murine diabetic model
    • Lee, H. Y., Kim, M. J., Park, Y. M., Shin, D. Y., Lee, Y. H., Yang, Y. J., Lee, H. S., Seok, M. K., Kim, S. J., Lee, J. H., Kim, S. S., Kim, M. G., Yun, C. Y., Kim, M. S., Yang, H. J. and Lee, Y. R.

  2. Correlation of the GC-MS-based metabolite profile of Momordica charantia fruit and its antioxidant activity
    • Perumal, V., Khatib, A., Ahmed, Q. U., Uzir, B. F., Abas, F., Murugesu, S., Saiman, M. Z., Primaharinastiti, R. and El-Seedi, H.

  3. Aflatoxin M1 reduction by microorganisms isolated from kefir grains
    • Adriansyah, P. N. A., Rahayu, W. P., Kusumaningrum, H. D. and Kawamura, O.

  4. Long term exposure to sucralose alters the sense of sweet tastants in an intestinal enteroendocrine cell model
    • Cai, S. F., Wu, Y. R., Xin, Y. M., Gu, X. Q., Wang, Y. J., Jin, R., Zha, L. L., Yu, Z. H., Ye, L., Ding, W. P., Zhao, Y. and Cai, L.

  5. Quality attributes of nance (Byrsonima crassifolia) fruits as affected by storage temperature and maturity at harvest
    • Rivera-Correa, K. A., Valle-Guadarrama, S., Alia-Tejacal, I., Arevalo-Galarza, M. L. C., Pérez-López, A. and Guerra-Ramírez, D.

  6. Evaluation of the food, nutrition value, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of the ripe and unripe fruit of Rubus steudneri Schweinf
    • Raghavendra, H. L., Prashith Kekuda, T. R., Upashe, S. P., Dsilva, F., Ravikumar Patil, H. S. and Shivanandappa, K. C.


International Food Research Journal Volume 29 Issue 2, 2022

  1. Research progress of biogenic amines in fermented sausages: A review
    • Wang, Q., Liu, K. Y., Zhang, J. H., An, J. S., Zhang, C. and Chen, T.

Original articles

  1. Effect of germination and UV-B elicitation on chemical compositions, antioxidant activities, and phytochemical contents of underutilised Mexican blue maize seeds
    • Chavarín-Martínez, C. D., Reyes-Moreno, C., Milán-Carrillo, J., Perales-Sánchez, J. X. K., Canizalez-Román, V. A., Cuevas-Rodríguez, E. O., López-Valenzuela, J. A. and Gutiérrez-Dorado, R.


International Food Research Journal Volume 29 Issue 3, 2022


  1. Natural products’ potential to maintain/ameliorate oral health: A review
    • Qamar, Z., Zeeshan, T., Al Dossary, O. B., Alanazi, T. A., Aldhuwayhi, J. N., Alqarni, A. H. and Alshalan, A. M.

Original articles

  1. Toxicity and teratogenicity evaluation of ethanolic extract from Momordica charantia fruit using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo model
    • Perumal, V., Khatib, A., Ahmed, Q. U., Uzir, B. F., Murugesu, S., Primaharinastiti, R., El-Seedi, H. and Selamat, J.

  2. Mineral and nutritional assessments of soybean, buckwheat, spelt, and maize grains grown conventionally and organically
    • Golijan, J. M., Lekić, S. S., Dojčinović, B. P., Dramićanin, A. M., Milinčić, D. D., Pešić, M. B., Barać, M. B. and Kostić, A. Ž.

  3. Resistant starch in native Tacca (Tacca leontopetaloides) starch and its various modified starches
    • Nurhayati, R., Suryadi, A. N., Ariani, D., Herawati, E. R. N., Miftakhussolikhah and Marsono, Y.

  4. Exogenous polyamines alleviate chilling injury of Citrus limon fruit
    • Kowaleguet, M. G., Chen, F. Y., Shi, W. L., Wu, Z. B., Wang, L. Y., Ban, Z. J., Liu, L. L., Wang, L. J. and Wu, Y. F.


International Food Research Journal Volume 29 Issue 4, 2022

  1. Applications of protein crosslinking in food products
    • Sulaiman, N. S., Sintang, M. D., Zaini, H. M., Munsu, E., Matanjun, P. and Pindi, W.

Original articles

  1. Seedlessness detection in ‘White Malaga’ table grapes using near-infrared spectroscopy
    • Kanchanomai, C., Nakano, K., Kittiwachana, S., Krongchai, C., Ohashi, S., Maniwara, P., Theanjumpol, P. and Naphrom, D.

  2. Subcritical reactive extraction of shogaol and gingerol: Effect of time and temperature
    • Yulianto, M. E., Purwantisari, S., Hartati, I., Nisa, Q. A. K. and Nyamiati, R. D.

  3. Investigation on food poisoning outbreak associated with consumption of Laksa Kebok in Baling, Kedah
    • Abdul Rahman, S., Ayob, A., Amin, F., Mohd Sa’ad, N., Wan Yusoff, W. N., Ismail, N., Zailani, M. H., Zainal Abidin, Z. E., Abdul Aziz, M. A., Mohd Suan, M. A., Hasim, M. Y., Mat Hussin, H. and Rusli, N.